
I began my teaching journey as an English Language Tutor in Copenhagen, Denmark. During the course of my PhD, I have also had the great privilege to assist in and teach some very interesting courses in the social sciences and humanities at Rutgers University. You can find some more details on them below:

Part-Time Lecturer / Teaching Assistant, School of Arts & Sciences, Rutgers University

  • Forced Migration & Environmental Justice – Fall 2021

    o   Developed syllabus, lesson plans, assignments for virtual asynchronous learning

    o   Provided pedagogical support for digital learning

  • Sustainable Cities for Social Change – Spring & Summer 2021

    o   Developed syllabus, recorded, and uploaded lectures

    o   Individual mentorship, evaluation, and virtual learning support

  • Urban Transformation & Community Engaged Leadership – Summer & Fall 2020

  • Social Foundations in Urban Education – Fall 2019 & Spring 2020

    o   Led classroom discussions and facilitated guest lectures on urban social change and community engagement

    o   Coordinated, mentored, & evaluated student field work, assignments, syllabus, and scheduling

  •  English Composition 101 – Fall 2019

    o   Designed syllabus, curated readings and formulated a series of sequenced assignments

    o   Provided individual mentorship, evaluations, and learning support